Thursday, May 9, 2013

The theme in my life this week seems to be that I need to get back to writing, so I'm starting this blog in hopes that it will keep me accountable (and my ADD at bay) and make sure that I write at least a little bit every day.  I would like to write 1,000 words a day, but we'll see how long that lasts. ;)  As long as I get on and write every day, it doesn't matter how much I write, or even what I write about, right?

Since we're almost half way through May did that happen? I think i'll just write a short story every day, either by my random generator app, or whatever I feel like writing about.  Then, starting June 1st, I'm hoping to get back to NaNoWriMo, and finish my book that i started a year and a half ago, and haven't touched since. :(  I doubt anyone besides myself will ever actually read this blog, but if you are, and I haven't written in a while...please bug me. goes, fingers crossed that I stick with it! :D

p.s.  to anyone reading future writings, please keep in mind that they will all be raw...typos and grammatical errors included. :)